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  • Writer's pictureAvanisha Kapoor


So we're well aware about how deadly COVID is, so let's get to some precautionary measures which will help to fight with this virus.

(To get the information about the basic of Coronavirus by clicking on

There are some precautions which needs to be taken by an individual to prevent themselves from getting on this increasing list of Covid-19 patients.

1. To begin with, STAY AT HOME it is advisory for everyone to stay at home, especially individual's who have health issues such as Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Asthma etc, as well as those who are above the age of 60 and children. These people are more prone to get infected by this virus. Go out only if utmost necessary.

2. While staying at home, keep all the necessary precautions such as proper sanitization of household things. Because staying at home keeps both body and mind not as active as compared to when we go out. Hence, exercise and meditate to keep body and mind healthy. Eat healthy, do not have cold beverages and drinks, have warm things to ensure body safety.

3. When going out while necessary, an individual should make sure to carry hand sanitizers (alcohol based) as well as wear Masks and gloves and avoid touching unnecessary things.

When entering the house after going out, the individual should immediately wash hands and keep all the belongings brought back aside and wash or isolate for particular time period. Wash the clothes that were worn while going out as soon as possible.

4. While going out one must maintain social distancing (at least 1 metre distance).

5. Whenever you sneeze or cough make sure to cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue. Because coronavirus spread from the infected droplets hence, to ensure you and the ones around you are safe.

6. If you find yourself with symptoms of COVID-19 and difficulty breathing consult a doctor and get a screening test for covid done to ensure if you are COVID - negative or COVID - positive.


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